Friday, March 4, 2011

Simple Actions to Increase Your Energy

Stress is the feeling you get when you feel like you don’t have the capacity to cope with what is going on. When you are energetically stronger, you simply feel better and you can handle the world more easily.

When energy flows in your body better, you have a greater capacity to >cope. As you increase your capacity to cope, your stress goes down. As your stress goes down, your cortisol goes down. As your cortisol goes down, your weight loss potential goes up.

There are a number of simple actions you can do to make yourself energetically stronger. You can do these actions daily to increase your energy regardless of whether weight loss is your goal.

First, whether you are sitting or standing, turn your toes in.

Energy flows in circles.

When the circuitry is intact, energy flows freely and reinforces itself making you stronger and healthier. When you turn your toes in, you keep the circuitry strong. When you turn your toes out, the energy drains out of you.

Circles make you stronger. Squares make you weaker. You can incorporate circles into your world quite easily. You can doodle circles. You can wear circle pendant necklaces. You can visualize a stream of circles floating from above down on to you. Think of a circle. How does this feel to you? Think of a square. How does this feel to you? Is your environment full of squares? When thinking about this do you feel weaker?

Also, you can put your tongue up on the roof of your mouth. This reconnects the main energy circuitry in the body. It also counteracts the weakening effect of toes pointing out. When your tongue is in a resting position, you are actually weaker energetically.

Vertical lines also make you stronger while horizontal lines make you weaker. You can create a vertical line on your body by holding your hands in a prayer or namaste position. Notice how this position increases your feelings of peace and centeredness. Now if you crossed your arms, you are weakening yourself. Can you feel the difference?

Notice how your energy feels when you wear an article of clothing with horizontal stripes on it. Notice how you feel when you wear an article of clothing that has vertical stripes on it. Which energizes you more? Who has more power in a meeting – the person wearing vertical stripes? Or the person wearing horizontal stripes? Which person do you want to be?

If you put all of these pieces together for a few minutes, you would really power up your energy and increase your capacity to cope.

So, turn your toes in. Imagine circles floating down toward you. Put your hands in prayer position and put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Allow yourself to feel the power and alignment of this.

Put your attention on this several times throughout the day and experience how your capacity to cope has gone up dramatically. Teach this to your kids as well. Help them be powerful throughout their day.

©2011 What Have You Got to Lose!™ All rights reserved.

Kim Buck is the creator of What Have You Got to Lose!™

She is passionate about helping women become aware of the stories that make their souls cry. These stories are at the root of all weight
issues. Releasing these stories is the key to releasing weight. What Have You Got to Lose!TM is a proven self-paced, emotional release cellular reprogramming weight loss system designed to help you discover and uncover the stories that make your soul cry and assist you in releasing the pounds of pain you are carrying in your heart and the extra weight you carry on your body. Ready to release the stories that make your soul cry? Ready to release your weight?

Register for your What Have You Got to Lose!TM Emotional Release Cellular Reprogramming Weight Loss System today.