Friday, January 14, 2011

The Law of Attraction

Written by Emile Coue

The law of attraction is a new age concept that puts forward the notion that you can attract into your reality what is most predominant in your thoughts. It is therefore an application of the mind power phenomenon.

The premise of the law of attraction are the following:

   1. All things in the universe, including our thoughts, are energy vibrating at different frequencies. Therefore we are one with everything else.

   2. Increasing the intensity of a certain thought by keeping it pure, through repetition, verbal & written affirmations, mental images (visualization), belief and strong emotions will produce a very real experience for us in the subconscious level.

   3. The subconscious is the gateway to our connection with the entire cosmos. Once an experience is already real in the subconscious level, the subconscious mind causes the attraction into the material plane of the thing that matches the experience.

The law works even if your predominant thoughts are negative. Since it will attract the same into your life, your words, your attitude, your personality, your values & your environment will most likely reflect this negativity. So instead of blaming some external factors for the “misfortunes” you are currently experiencing, examine your thoughts instead. As they say, “everything is within, nothing is without.”

The law of attraction has come to be a self-empowerment tool in that it allows you the chance to lead your life where you always want it to be. It is also called conscious creation because through it, you can purposely & deliberately create your own ideal life by taking control & manipulating your thoughts.

So you can use this law with maximum benefits you must maintain a very good self-concept. You must value yourself high enough to believe in your dreams & aspirations. Applying the law needs faith in the unseen forces at work and in your confidence to change your life for the better. It will not take the time to work for you if you do not believe it could, and worst if you do not believe that you DESERVE what you trying to attract.
Related Products:

    * Manifest Abundance Guided Meditation

      A guided meditation that introduces positive thoughts to change the mindset that blocks financial success. Recondition your mind to think like a millionaire then magnetize the abundance you used to dream about through the law of attraction.
    * Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t

      A book by Michael Losier that may change your life if it “has turned south and taken on the characteristics of a bad soap opera.”
    * The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham

      Book by Esther & Jerry Hicks. It claims to explain the law of attraction in clear and practical terms. Most likely through their invisible, Abraham. Has received great reviews in

Creative Visualization

Visualization is the act of making mental images. In the book Creative Visualization, author Shakti Gawain said that it is not necessary to see a mental image even an idea or just thinking about it will do.

When I was in grade school, I had this huge crush on one of the boys in my class. I used to sleep very late at night because I spend my time imagining what it will be like spending my time with him. I would close my eyes and “watch a movie” in my mind about us.

I am pretty sure you can relate to the experience. You may have daydreamed about a vacation in the Bahamas, or see the end-result of something you are designing, or you may have also imagined something terrible borne out of fear.

We employ our abilities to visualize every time we imagine or think of something. We just didn’t know that by visualizing we can attract the very same experience into our material plane. Our visualization becomes creative when we purposely use it to create an experience we want into our reality.

How it Works

Most if not all new age experts agree that everything in this universe is made up of energy. Humans, animals or inanimate objects are vibrating energy at the core. The differences in appearance, size and shape, as well as the perceived boundary of objects are due to the differences in the speed & frequency of vibration. This makes us one in essence with everything around us.

Gawain attributed the creative power of visualization to the magnetic characteristics of the thought energy. However, some other experts in the field attributed the attraction of things into our reality to the magnetic characteristics of thoughts through the subconscious mind.

Claude M. Bristol said in The Magic of Believing that

    perhaps the most effective method of bringing the subconscious into practical action is through the process of making mental pictures –using the imagination–perfecting an image of the thing or situation as you would have it exists in physical form.[1]

I consider the subconscious mind as the gateway to our connection with the universe or God. Whatever it considered to be true is “beamed” out and caused the expansion & attraction of the same energy (the law of attraction). Events will eventually lead to the realization of the things or experiences visualized.

Just a tip, do not visualize or think of the event as if it is still going to happen in the future. See it as if it is really happening at that very moment. Pretend that you are already holding the object or feeling the emotions & sensations of the experience you want to materialize.

Lilian Too in Inner Feng Shui explained further how to make visualization more successful

    The key to success in visualization is the ability to focus thoughts. The picture in your mind must be sharp & clear. The goal or situation as you want it to be must not be hazy & uncertain. There must be intensity of belief, relaxed concentration, & quite determination. The mental image must not be diluted by doubt or ambivalence. Your attitude must be positive and confident. [2]

Positive Affirmation

Affirmation means “to make firm” It can be spoken, written or drawn and it is sometimes called suggestion, autosuggestion or self-suggestion

Positive affirmation is another technique to activate the law of attraction in a beneficial way. When you have determined what is it you really want to attract, declare your intention out to the universe or God. Then you make firm your intention by constantly acknowledging that you already have the very thing in your life right at that moment.

It is hard to say, “I am now earning $10,000 every month” when your mind knows you aren’t. Affirmations need to be repeated over and over and with as much emotion as you can muster so that the subconscious mind is “tricked” into believing that what you are really saying is true. However, it is hard to get thoughts into the subconscious mind when you are fully awake. Your conscious mind will immediately label your statement as untrue. I say affirmations out loud, because I feel as if I can overcome the voice of the conscious mind opposing to what I am saying.

The best time to do affirmations is when you are between the state of wakefulness & sleep, during meditation when your mind is most relaxed or during hypnosis when you are in a trance. However, if you want to affirm during the times when your conscious mind is most dominant, repeat your affirmations many times, put strong emotions into your words, & say it with strong conviction.

Personally, I prefer to make drawings about the things I want to manifest. The act of drawing allows me to focus on what I am doing & the picture I am trying to create. I am not an artist and all I can manage are simple objects. I even use stick men to represent persons. If I cannot draw it, I use symbols with vibrant colors instead.

Affirmations are not only for use with the law of attraction. They can be used to change your old mental programming, reverse your negative thoughts, develop self confidence or for improvement of general well being.